A short unit about Moments of Force showing how to work our Newton Meters of force (torque) with a single force, multiple forces and forces at an angle to the lever. This is in the lessons and quiz style with a small exam at the end of each section.
A small unit of work based on the classification of animals in the Animal Kingdom. Activities 
Some resources for light and colour.
Some initial images from text to assist in the classroom delivery of the Human Reproductive Systems.
Sponges. Cnidarians. Polyps. Medusa. This unit of work expects students to experiment and explain the structure and function of some animals and their body systems. Search for data, analyze, and explain how various systems enable living creatures to live happily. Search for data, analyze, and explain how some animals behave in response to several factors such as light, temperature, water and touch. MATCHED WITH THE UNIT ON WORMS.