Section outline

  • To be completed:
    Quizzes 6 100%
    Exam 2 200%
    Project/Activity: 200%  (not added yet)
    Lessons with quizzes 2 100%
    All 4 videos must be viewed.
    Website: View Real Time Weather.


    The art of Self Discipline

    Learning Objectives Content.

    Students to understand that the Earth is surrounded by a blanket of air which is held to the Earth by the force of gravity; the atmosphere is made up of a mixture of gases. The atmosphere can be divided into 5 layers

    Students to understand that the lowest layer, the Troposphere contains most of the air and all of the living organisms; planes fly in the Stratosphere because there is very little wind and weather. Students to understand that the temperature of the air changes as you go higher.

    Content. Atmosphere.

    The atmosphere is a mixture of gases that are held to the Earth by the force of gravity, without gravity the air would drift off into space. The atmosphere is a mixture containing Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%), Argon (0.9%) Carbon dioxide (0.037%) and many others.

    The atmosphere can be divided into 4 or 5 layers (depending on what text you use), Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. The transition between levels is gradual so you cannot see them. The troposphere contains about 75% of all the atmosphere, it is where living organisms live and where the weather occurs. Stratosphere has very little moisture so no clouds and very little wind, this is why planes fly in this layer. The ozone layer is in this layer, important because it absorbs harmful UV light. Mesosphere is very cold and air is thin, layer where meteorites slow down and burn up. Thermosphere is layer where space shuttles fly. Exosphere is layer where atmosphere merges into space, height where satellites are found.

    The temperature of the atmosphere rises and falls as you increase altitude, students to study temperature gradient graph supplied.









    • The FINAL EXAM based on this unit of work up to the lesson on winds.
      Open 20 Febuary
    • The mid term EXAM based on this unit of work up to the lesson on winds.
      Open 10 January