Section outline

  • Atmospheric Layers

    The art of Self Discipline

    Content. Atmospheric Layers

    The atmosphere can be divided into 4 or 5 layers (depending on what text you use), Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. The transition between levels is gradual so you cannot see them.

    The troposphere contains about 75% of all the atmosphere, it is where living organisms live and where the weather occurs.

    Stratosphere has very little moisture so no clouds and very little wind, this is why planes fly in this layer. The ozone layer is in this layer, important because it absorbs harmful UV light.

    Mesosphere is very cold and air is thin, layer where meteorites slow down and burn up.

    Thermosphere is layer where space shuttles fly.

    Exosphere is layer where atmosphere merges into space, height where satellites are found.


    Layers of Atmosphere
