Reading a Weather Map
Section outline
Reading a Weather Map
The art of Self Discipline
Learning Objectives Content.
Students to understand that wind direction is affected by the earth's rotation.Content. Coriolis affect, Isobars, Fronts and Pressure.
The rotation of the earth has a large affect on the weather.
The earth is spinning at much greater speeds at the equator (1670 kilometers/hour).
As we move towards the poles the earth spins slower.
The air mass is fluid and is often moving from north to south. The air mass is therefore being pulled by the different speeds and this creates the coriolis affect on the winds.
The winds flow across the isobars due to the difference in pressure.
The winds also curve due to the coriolis affect.
The coriolis affect is why the wind spins in a clockwise directions around high pressure systems in the Northern Hemisphere as compared to anticlockwise in the Southern Hemsiphere..
Lesson on reading maps
Weather maps have their own language. This unit studies, Isobars, High and low pressure, Coriolis affect, Wind speed and Wind direction. -
Using the large weather map write about the weather today and predict the weather in two days time.