Expressions with emotions

Site: Lifelong Learning
Course: Prathom 6 Introduction to EP
Book: Expressions with emotions
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Date: Friday, 14 March 2025, 9:15 PM


Activities expressions emotions: An activity

1. Happy

Happy is a wonderful feeling and we always want it to last. Sadly it does not often last for long. You can always ask yourself "Should we be happy when so many people are in pain and unhappy.

What makes us happy? How can we stop being unhappy?

Can you think of a time when you were very happy?


2. Confident

Being confident shows that you are content with yourself and happy to try new things out.
Confidence helps us to progress in the world as we learn more about it.
Gaining more skills is a sure way to gain confidence as it is the unknown that can stop us from being confident.

Why are some people so confident and others are not?

Do you feel confident to try new things out?

What is a skill that you have learnt that hepled you gain confidence?


3. Peaceful

When we learn to control our emotions we can often find a peacefulness that is relaxing and nice.

How do you calm yourself to find peace?

Have you ever felt peaceful?

What do you think the advantages are of being peaceful?


4. Contentment

When everything feels good for you it is easy to feel contentment. This feeling often comes from being satisfied at having achieved something good. Contentment is often a better and longer lasting emotion than happy.

What is something you have done that made you feel relaxed and contented?

What do you think the best way to find contentment might be?

Why could contentment be better than happy?


5. Ecstatic

Ecstatic is a very short lived emotion and is where you become extremely excited and happy over something. It might be the birth of a baby or winning the lottery.

How would you like to become ecstatic?

Would you feel very happy if you won the lottery?

Why do you think the feeling of being ecstatic is so short?


6. Mischievous

Mischievous is a feeling you have when you want to play tricks on someone. Be aware that it is only a fun trick if both people can laugh. If the person being tricked is not laughing or worse upset then you have been bullying.

Have you ever played a trick that has made the other person upset?

Why is tricking someone funny?

Some tricks are done to make others feel bad or clumsy. Are these good or bad tricks?

7. Sad

Sad is an often found emotion for many reason. Losing a friend or not getting something you have always wanted. This can be normal but staying sad too long can lead to depression so we need to practice different ways of returning our emotions to contentment and happy.

Can you stop yourself from being sad?

Have you ever practiced putting things behind you and moving on to new and better ideas/feelings?

What is some small thing that makes you feel sad?


8. Exhausted

Exhausted is just another level of tired.

What can make us exhausted?

Can too much sleep make you tired?

What is the difference between exhausted and tired?


9. Confused

Being confused is when we want to do something and cannot think of a way to start. Our thinking is mixed up and we don't know what to do. Normally this is a short lived emotion and we work things out to keep attaining our goals.

Would not enough sleep make us confused?

How could bad health affect the ability to think and not be confused?

Keeping your mind active helps stop confusion. What do you do to keep your mind active?


10. Frustrated

The feeling of frustration comes on us when little things keep stopping us from achieving our goals. It is a feeling that can lead to anger if we do not learn to control frustration. Controlling our emotions is one of the most important skills we must learn to have a good and full life.

What sometimes makes you feel frustrated?

Have you ever had frustration lead to anger?

How do you control frustration?


11. Disgusted

Disgusted is when you hear of something or see something that is very bad and makes you feel like being sick. Some people do evil things that can make you feel sick and disgusted. Bad smells and hurting animals can make many people feel disgusted.

What is your hate that makes you disgusted?

Are you disgusted when people hurt other people?


12. Embarrassed

Some people embarrass easy if the are lacking in self confidence. For some wearing the wrong socks is embarrassing. But others do not care. Gaining more experiences and learning more about the world stops most people from being embarrassed.

What makes you embarrassed?

Some people do stupid unintelligent things and they think they are being smart, Does this embarrass you?

The only thing a student can do wrong is not ask a question because they are embarrassed. There is no such thing as a bad question, the only bad thing is not asking a question.


13. Frightened

Being frightened can be scary as your brain starts to stop thinking. Learning to calm yourself is very important to get your brain working again. Most people get frightened for the wrong reasons and when they learn to control their fear emotions they can deal with the problems quickly.

What makes you frightened?

How do you calm yourself down after being frightened?

Are you scared of ghosts?


14. Guilty

We feel guilty when we have done something wrong. Sometimes we feel guilty when we think someone is going to say we did wrong when we did not. It is normal to feel a little or lot guilty if we have done something wrong. Psychopaths feel no guilt even if they say they feel guilty.

Do you feel guilt if you do something wrong?

Have you ever done something very small and then felt very guilty?

Is the feeling of guilt a good thing? Why?


15. Suspicious

Being suspicious can be a good thing to make you check any body who might try to trick you out of money. Be suspicious of any emails you get that want you to be their best friend. Be suspicious of any one who says you bought something on the internet and you must pay. Being much to suspicious can lead to paranoia that can mess up your life.

Have you ever had an email or message that you thought did not sound right?

Do you know someone that always thinks others are doing the wrong thing?

What makes you suspicious?


16. Angry

Anger and happy are two very common feelings we have. When we start to get angry our brain starts to stop thinking clearly so it is very important to learn ways of making yourself calm quickly

Why do we get angry?  (forced, don't like something, tired, bullied.  want something and can not have, etc) Can you think of any different words?

Can you think of a time when you got angry?

How do you calm yourself down when you are angry?


17. Hysterical

When a person is hysterical they have lost control of their mind and often need help to calm down. When mind control is lost then the brain does not work so can not think in a proper manner

What calming technique would you use to try and stop being hysterical?

If you saw a person being hysterical how could someone  help (It could be dangerous so leave it to someone who is confident)?
