Games that may work for you

Site: Lifelong Learning
Course: Prathom 6 Introduction to EP
Book: Games that may work for you
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Saturday, 15 March 2025, 2:42 PM


Book of Numbers Games
If you have a good 15 minute game based on numbers please share.
These are good for finishing off the night.
Serious first easy last.

Table of contents

1. Counting Game

Stand in 3 or 4 groups.

First person to count to 21 gets to make a rule.

All people in your group must follow the rule.

Typical rules might be:

Don’t say number 5, poke your tongue out.

Don’t say number 10, stand on one leg and put right hand in the air.

12 = wink

2 = cross your arms over chest

Etc. etc.

Game actions