Book: Adjectives

Site: Lifelong Learning
Course: Prathom 6 Introduction to EP
Book: Book: Adjectives
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Date: Friday, 14 March 2025, 2:33 PM


Adjectives to Describe
Describing things with common adjectives.
Are you fit and healthy today activity.

1. Adjectives-Describing

Short, fat, thin, tall, skinny, short, long hair, short hair, blonde, redhead, brunette, beautiful, handsome, pretty, smart, large, small, funny, happy, friendly, talkative, quiet, helpful, nice, kind, brave, curly, brown, wavy, amusing, angry, athletic, attractive, beautiful, boring, brave, careful,

careless, charming, clever, confident, crafty, crazy, creative, cruel, cute, dangerous, dependable, easy-going, energetic, exciting, famous, forgetful, friendly, good-looking, graceful, happy, helpful, horrible, humble, humorous, inconsiderate, interesting, likable, lucky, middle class, old, outgoing, obese, poor, popular, practical, responsible, rich,

romantic, sad, selfish, skinny, stingy, successful, talkative, thin, touchy, ugly, unlucky, wealthy, young,

Chat GPT tells me there are somewhere from 50,000 to 100,000 adjectives in the English language

2. Health start

3. Health crossword new

4. Describing People and Things


5. Personality characteristics


6. Personality Characteristics


7. Person. Answers


8. Descriptions Quiz

Approx 30min
