Faces and Eyes

Site: Lifelong Learning
Course: Prathom 6 Introduction to EP
Book: Faces and Eyes
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Friday, 14 March 2025, 4:26 PM


Describing Eyes and Faces
With more adjectives we can start to write interesting stories. Everything is a story. Look at all the bits of what you are writing about. What are the bits like in a face and eyes.

1. Eyes and Descriptions

Faces and Eyes.jpg

When describing eyes first look for colour (green, brown, blue, light blue.) then emotion (happy, sad, glaring, angry).

Cold blue eyes, Tearful eyes, Loving looks, Piercing gaze, Looking intently, Longing brown eyes, Daydreaming eyes, Happy laughing eyes, Disapproving stare.

2. Face shapes mouse over for shapes

Faces and Eyes.jpg