Book: Where are they?

Site: Lifelong Learning
Course: Prathom 6 Introduction to EP
Book: Book: Where are they?
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Date: Friday, 14 March 2025, 8:35 PM


Where are they?
Using prepositions to tell others where something is.

1. Messy Bedroom

Name the items.

Then describe where they are in the room using sentences and at least 3 prepositions

Where is the brown teddy bear?

The brown teddy bear is on the floor next to the panda bear and just in front of mum's cleaner.

Where is the chest of drawers?

The chest of drawers is on the floor at the back of the room against the wall.

2. Living Room Names


3. Creative Writing

Write a creative fiction story about the picture.
Use lots of adjectives and prepositions.