Possible Games for use with Body Parts

Site: Lifelong Learning
Course: Prathom 6 Introduction to EP
Book: Possible Games for use with Body Parts
Printed by: Guest user
Date: Friday, 14 March 2025, 6:52 PM


Book of Body Parts Games
If you have a good 15 minute game based on body parts please share.
These are good for finishing off the night.
Serious first easy last.

1. Simon Says like activities.

Touch body parts. Elbow to elbow.

Simon Says touch your knee on another persons knee.
Simon says move your finger in slow circles.
A student may be able to take over as Simon.

2. Pictionary

Pictionary can be used in many situations

Student is given a secret word. (below)

Student starts drawing secret word. (no talking).

First student to guess what the drawing is, is now the new drawer.

Group 1
Hand foot leg nose
Group 2
finger palm eye ear
Group 3
toe ankle knee elbow
Group 4
forehead cheek ear thigh
Group 5
toe-nail back fringe wrist
Group 6
eyebrow chest thumb lower-arm
Group 7
little-finger knuckles shoulder calf-muscle