07 Body Parts
Section outline
Body Parts.
The art of Self Discipline
Health is often a good topic to start a conversation.
Understanding and knowing the most important body parts is important.
Once known, conversations about health and fitness are often easy to start..
Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.-
Book of Body Parts Games
If you have a good 15 minute game based on body parts please share.
These are good for finishing off the night.
Serious first easy last. -
Body Parts
After naming parts on the sheets check answers with this drag and drop activity. DWN: WORKSHEET -
This also shows the answer but is a random new game each time opened. There is also the paper version to have individual or group work at the projector. DWN: WORKSHEET -
Crossword More Body Parts
A wider range of words to extend the body parts vocabulary. This could be done of the projector as a class activity. DWN: WORKSHEET. -
Worksheet to do before the h5p body parts activity
95.3 KB · Uploaded 28/12/24, 10:40 -
A pdf copy for printing
40.9 KB · Uploaded 22/12/24, 08:55 -
Reinforcing body parts through translation
27.5 KB · Uploaded 22/12/24, 09:06