Section outline

  • P6 to EP

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who are you? Who am I.

    What do you like the most?
    Where is the best place in Thailand to visit?
    Do you have sisters or brothers?
    I have two brothers.
    I like climbing mountains.
    I like reading books?
    I like painting and drawing.
    Who here likes drawing?
    Do any students like motorbikes?
    Who likes to make their own clothes?
    Who likes Maths?
    Who likes science?
    Where can you go in a career with English.
    What is your favourite food?
    Who likes karaoke?


    EP Teachers.jpg


  • Describing People & Things.

    The art of Self Discipline

    Several adjectives and similes

    To inspire the imagination to more beautiful visuals we will often use several adjectives to describe something.

    Sometimes comparisons to other beautiful things may be used to create a poetic feel with the description.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Hair Descriptions.

    The art of Self Discipline

    Describing Hair

    Hair descriptions use a lot of adjectives that are often only used for hair.



    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Describing Hair
      An assortment of adjectives that can be used for describing hair in different ways

    • DWN: Downloads Describing Hair.

    • Hair Descriptions2.jpg
  • Describing Faces & Eyes

    The art of Self Discipline

    A Long Look at Faces

    The face is important to describe.

    Describing a persons face is sometimes important if you are going to meet someone at an airport.

    looking for one face amongst thousands can be difficult.



    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Describing Eyes and Faces
      With more adjectives we can start to write interesting stories. Everything is a story. Look at all the bits of what you are writing about. What are the bits like in a face and eyes.

    • Eyes Colour: (green, brown, blue, light blue.)
      Eyes Emotion: (happy sad glaring angry).
      Eyes Action Phrases: Cold blue eyes, Tearful eyes Loving looks, Piercing gaze, Looking intently, Longing brown eyes, Daydreaming eyes. Happy laughing eyes, Disapproving stare.
      Describing Odd People.png
      Hair Colour: Blond, Dark blonde, Light brown, Chestnut brown, Dark, Black, Jet black, Grey, Silver, White.
      Cut Type: Shaved, Bald, Shiny.
      Hair Style: Full braid, Half braid, Braided, Tight braid.
      Wavy, Curly, Tight curls, Straight, Wind swept, Shiny, Silken, Tangled, Dreadlocks.
      Hair Length/cut: Long hair, medium length, Shoulder length, Short hair, Shaved, Bob cut, Crew cut, Fringe/Bangs, French style. Bowl cut.
    • DWN: Downloads Describing Face Eyes Activity

    • Thumbnail

  • Who Am I

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who Am I

    Try using words from the previous sections.

    Describe who you are. That is write a story about yourself.

    Life is a story. Write about your story.

    Who Am Ia.png


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • My ___ likes flowers. ชอบดอก chaawpF daawkL
      My ___ likes to play. ชอบเล่น chaawpF lenF
      My ___ likes to bark. ชอบเห่า chaawpF haoL
      My ___ has long hair. ผมยาว phohmR yaaoM
      My ___ has dark hair. ผมยาว phohmR
      My ___ has coloured hair. ผมยาวสี phohmR seeR
      My ___ is beautiful. สวย suayR
      My ___ is handsome. หล่อ  laawL
      My ___ is smart. ฉลาด  chaL laatL
      My ___ is tall. สูง suungR
      My ___ is short. สั้น  sanF
      My ___ is fat. เตี้ย dtîa
      My ___ is skinny. ผอม phaawmR
      My ___ is happy. สุข sookL
      My ___ is sad. เศร้า saoF
      My ___ likes movies ชอบภาพยนตร์ chaawpFphaapF phaH yohnM   
      My ___ is a good cook. ทำกับข้าวดี thamM gapL khaaoF deeM
      My ___ likes food. ชอบอาหาร  chaawpF aaM haanR
      My ___ likes to eat. ชอบกินข้าว chaawpF ginM khaaoF
      My ___ likes fish. ชอบปลา chaawpF bplaaM
      My ___ likes pork. ชอบหมู chaawpF muuR
      My ___ likes chicken. ชอบไก่ chaawpF gaiL
      My ___ likes McDonalds. ชอบแมคโดนัลด์ chaawpF maaekF do:hM nanM
      My ___ likes Kentucky Fried. ชอบ  chaawpF
      My ___ likes Barbecue. ชอบบาร์บีคิว chaawpF baaM beeM khiuM 
      My ___ likes icecream. ชอบไอศกรีม chaawpF aiM saL greemM
      My ___ is funny. ตลก  dtaL lohkL
      My ___ is serious. เครียด  khriiatF
      My ___ likes computer games. ชอบ  chaawpF
      My ___ plays facebook.
    • DescribeFamiliesLikesDislikes.png
    • DWN: Downloads Describing Comparing Activity

  • WordsWordsWords

    The art of Self Discipline

    How many words can you make.

    !0 different letter sets.

    Use the slider at the bottom to move to the next letter set.

    Can you make it to the leader board.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Directions and Maps

    The art of Self Discipline

    Left and right is easy

    TBut can you count how many lefts and rights in the next video.






    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Prepositions

    The art of Self Discipline

    The art of placing things.

    Most prepositions can be used in many ways both physically, emotionally and expressing concepts.

    For example: 'above' could simply mean higher or over the top of.

    But it can also mean of a 'higher status' or 'more important'. Or more than the set limits such as my saving are 'above the minimum' needed to retire.
    about Not exactly there but near there. above Further up than. Higher than. across From one side to the other side of something, eg. a road, river, or area. Also, to being on the opposite side. after Time: Not with, but later than or behind in position or time. against Touching something else, normally to the side.
    among In the middle of or surrounded by other things. amongst In the middle of or surrounded by other things. around Position or direction surrounding, or in a direction going along the edge of. at Exact position or particular place. before Time earlier than something mentioned.
    behind At or toward the rear or not keeping up. below Lower down than. Lower in rank, degree, amount, rate. beside By or at the side of; near. Compared with. between In the space separating two places positions or times. by Near to or next to. Within the extent or period of time.
    down From higher to lower. Descending direction or order. In a lower position. during Happening over a period of time. for With the purpose of. Intended to belong to, or be used in connection with. from Specify a starting point. To be taken away or excluded. in Indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits.
    inside On the inner side or part of. Can include time. into To the inside of. Indicate insertion or immersion in, Changed from one state to another. near Not exactly there but near there. of Distance or direction from. Something a part of something bigger. off No longer supported or attached. 10% off sale. Behaviour not normal, he is a bit off today.
    on To be attached to, supported by, linked to a time, place, position. out Movement away from a position or central point. over Above in place position or authority. Blanketing cover above. through In at one end, side, or surface and out at the other. Can refer to places, objects, time and space. to Motion or direction toward a point, person, place, thing, time or thought.
    toward in the direction of place, thing or idea. under Covered by or lower in status. up The motion of getting in a higher position, physically or emotionally. with Accompanied by. A tool being used: cut the apple with a knife.
    aboard On board of; on, in, or into: to come aboard a ship or plane. along Through, on, beside, over, or parallel to the length or direction of. As a thinking concept or physically doing. amid In the middle of; surrounded by; among: to stand weeping amid the ruins. as In the role, function, or status of: to act as leader. beneath Underneath; lower in place than. Inferior or less important, as in position, rank, or power
    beyond On, at, or to the farther side of. More than; in excess of; over and above in status, time or being. but With the exception of; except; save: No one replied but me. concerning Relating to; regarding; about: We attended a discussion concerning foreign aid. considering Taking into account; in view of: The campaign was a great success, considering the strong opposition. despite in spite of; not withstanding.
    except With the exclusion of; excluding; save; but: They were all there except me. following After: The weeks following exams were difficult. like Comparing to; In like manner with; similarly to; in the manner characteristic of. minus less by the subtraction of; decreased by: Ten minus six is four. A book minus its title page. next Adjacent to; nearest: It's in the closet next to the blackboard.
    onto To a place or position on; upon; on: to get onto a horse. State of awareness about: I'm onto your scheme. opposite Across from; facing: The guest of honor sat opposite me at the banquet. He has played opposite many leading ladies. outside On or toward the outside of. Beyond the confines or borders of. past Beyond in space, time, position or scope; farther on than: The house just past the church. Past noon. He is past hope of recovery. per For each; for every: Per head of population. According to; in accordance with.
    plus More by the addition of; increased by: ten plus two is twelve. With the addition of; with: He had wealth plus fame. regarding With regard to; respecting; concerning: He said nothing regarding the lost watch. round Throughout (a period of time): a resort visited all round the year. Around: It happened round noon. save Except; but: All the guests had left save one. since Continuously from or counting from: It has been warm since noon. Between a past time or event and the present: There have been many changes since the war.
    than In relation to; by comparison with: He is a person than whom I can imagine no one more courteous. till Up to the time of; until: to fight till death. Before. Near or at a specified time: till evening. underneath Below the surface or level of. Under the control of; in a lower position in a hierarchy of authority. unlike Dissimilar to; different from. Dissimilar to; different from. Not typical or characteristic of: It is unlike her to enjoy herself so much. until Onward to or till (a specified time or occurrence): She worked until 6 p.m
    upon Up and on; upward so as to get or be on: He climbed upon his horse and rode off. In an elevated position on. versus Against (Law Sport) Smith versus Jones; Army versus Navy. As compared to or as one of two choices. via By way of; by means of; through: to London via Paris. within Inside of; in. In or into the interior of or the parts or space enclosed by: within city walls. within view; to live within one's income. Within city walls. without with the absence, omission, or avoidance of; not with; with no or none of; lacking: without her helping me; both within and without the house or the city.







    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Verbs and Adverbs

    The art of Self Discipline

    Doing Words, Actions

    Describing actions.

    Verbs bring actions to writing and speaking

    Verbs add the excitement to your creative writing by putting the reader in danger with the action.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Action Words
      Action words are Verbs and to describe these actions we use adverbs.

    • Header: DWN Creative Writing Activity

  • Where is Waldo

    The art of Self Discipline

    Where Am I

    Use key words to place subjects on the image.

    Waldo is next to .... above ....below...beside etc.

    Reverse the situation by doing what can I see? The first to guess correctly is the winner.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Book Of Waldo
      Find Waldo and say where he is without going to the board

  • Language of Clothes

    The art of Self Discipline


    Clothes and fashion.

    Draw a picture of your favourite clothes and talk about them in English with your teacher and the person sitting next to you.

    Language of clothes.

    Shirt Shirt T'shirt T shirt Hem Hems Collar Collars Buttons buttons
    Sleeve Sleeves Short sleeves Short sleeves Long Sleeves Long Sleeve Pleat Pleats Shoulders Shoulders
    Neck Roll or turtle neck sweater Belt Belt Long Trousers Trousers Short Trousers Shorts Long Dress Long dress
    Short Dress Short dress Short Socks socks Long Socks Long socks Pockets Pockets Sandals Sandals
    Seam Seams Beret Beret Hat Hats Balaclava Balaclava Scarf Scarves
    Tie Ties Stockings Stockings Polo Top Polo Top Halter Top Halter top Jumper JumperSweater
    Jacket jackets Suit Suits Cuff Cuffs Darts Darts


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Jobs

    The art of Self Discipline

    There are many types of jobs.

    Jobs change very rapidly as technology advances.

    In the last 10 years many new jobs have developed.

    Many old jobs have disappeared.

    And the nature of all jobs have changed.

    Keeping up to date is a full time job in any area of work so life long learning is very important.
    Cabinet maker.
    Private detective.
    Tow truck driver.
    Office worker.
    Bus driver.
    Truck driver.
    Taxi driver.
    3D animator.
    3D Modeller.
    Web designer.
    Computer programmer.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Language of work
      The names of jobs change a little slower but what the job is about changes yearly sometimes monthly.

    • Jobs Collage.jpg
    • Header: DWN Job and Work activities

  • Introductions

    The art of Self Discipline

    Starting the lesson (variable)

    Interacting with foreign teachers with good manners

    Good Thai manners must be maintained at all times.



    TEACHER: “Please, stand up. Good evening, preparation course.”
    STUDENTS: “Good morning, teacher ???? / ??????”
    TEACHER: “Please, sit down. How are you today?”
    STUDENTS: “I’m fine, thank you. And you?”
    TEACHER: “I’m fine, thank you.”
    New teacher arrives
    Say ‘good evening teacher.’

    • Introductions

      The art of Self Discipline

      Starting the lesson (variable)

      Interacting with foreign teachers with good manners

      Good Thai manners must be maintained at all times.



      TEACHER: “Please, stand up. Good evening, preparation course.”
      STUDENTS: “Good morning, teacher ???? / ??????”
      TEACHER: “Please, sit down. How are you today?”
      STUDENTS: “I’m fine, thank you. And you?”
      TEACHER: “I’m fine, thank you.”
      New teacher arrives
      Say ‘good evening teacher.’

    • Polite Requests

      The art of Self Discipline

      For the teacher

      This is a reminder that these behaviours are also required by the EP program.

      If Thai teachers see the students being impolite as Thai's, they will be upset.

      If you don’t understand. ไม่เข้าใจ maiF khaoF jaiM
      You say: “Again, please.”
      If you are late. มาสาย maaM saaiR
      You say: “I’m sorry, I’m late. May I come in, please?”
      If you need to go to the toilet. ห้องน้ำ haawngF naamH
      You say: “May I go to the toilet, please?”



    • Polite Requests

      The art of Self Discipline

      For the Teacher

      Be patient

      Good manners sometimes needs to be learnt in each new situation.

      Teacher is carrying many books.
      You say: “Can I help you?”
      If your teacher is talking you are an active listener
      (Teach what is an active listener)
      You forgot something home.
      You say: “I forgot my books. I’m sorry.”
      You say: “I forgot to do my homework. I’m sorry.”
      Teacher talks too fast.
      You say: “Can you speak slower, please?”



  • Name Plaques

    The art of Self Discipline

    5 shapes. Happy faces. Many colours. Triangular prism.

    This is a chance to teach shapes colours and emotions.

    Each name tag should have: happy/loving face and a coloured square, triangle, circle, heart, diamond, and rectangle



    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.
    Introduction and Plaques 1st evening.

  • Greetings.

    The art of Self Discipline

    Some examples



    Good day.

    How are you.

    Hello I am …. .

    Nice to meet you.

    How is your health?

    What is your name?

    Where are you from?

    My name is … .

    I am from …. .

    Ask for some general information and give some general information about yourself.

    Good to meet you.jpg


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Greeting.png
    • Introduce yourself.

      The art of Self Discipline

      Introduce yourself to five classmates

      A: Hello. I’m ________ What’s your name?
      B: Hello. My name is _________.

      Find which Tamboon they live in,

      Their favourite food.

      Best place for a holiday.

      Favourite computer game.

      Favourite music.



      Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
      Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Expressions.

    The art of Self Discipline


    This is a chance to teach shapes colours and emotions.

    Each name tag should have: happy/loving face and a coloured square, triangle, circle, heart, diamond, and rectangle



    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.
    Expressions about 40 min.

    • Expressions
      Activities expressions emotions: An activity

    • Select 6 pictures and cut them out to glue on a sheet of paper.
      Write 2 or 3 sentences about what is happening to the person in the picture.
      How are they feeling and why do you think they might be feeling.
    • EmotionActivityWorksheet.png
    • Expressions Activity
      Find the expression words in the grid

    • DWN: Expressions

  • Colours.

    The art of Self Discipline

    A very quick Piece of work to ensure everyone is up to speed on colours.

    Colours are very often our first stop when communicating

    When you forget the name of something people often resort to "that red thing over there".

    10 to 15 minutes should be enough time. but it is teacher discretion.

    Draw 6 things from the room that are the boxes colour.


    Light Blue








    Light Pink





    Light Green


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.
    About 15 min.

    • Shapes.png
    • Listening and following instructions.

      Step 1. Draw a 40mm diameter circle in the middle and at the bottom of the page.
      Step 2. Draw a new circle the same size on top of the first circle.
      Step 3. Draw a 70mm triangle sitting flat on top of the second circle.
      Step 4. Draw a 50mm square on the point of the triangle.
      Step 5. Draw a 50mm circle in the middle and on top of the square
      Etc. etc.
      Step 1. Draw a 70mm triangle with one side to the bottom and in the middle and at the bottom of the page.
      Step 2. Draw a 50mm square on the top apex of the triangle.

      Step 3 . Draw a 50mm circle on top of the square.
      Step 5. Draw a 50mm circle in the middle and on top of the square
      Etc. etc.

      Colour shapes and draw emotions on head.
      Suggestion is two shapes but if students enjoy there are more.

      Pictures show on mouse hover.



  • Numbers.

    The art of Self Discipline

    Maths, numbers, expressions, quantities.

    Practice pronunciations.

    Millions, thousands and hundreds can cause a lot of confusion for some students including expressing quantities.


    Approx. 2 evenings

    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Book of Numbers Games
      If you have a good 15 minute game based on numbers please share.
      These are good for finishing off the night.
      Serious first easy last.

    • Pronunciation
      Speaking the numbers.
      Approx. 10-15 minutes

    • Math Skills
      Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction races
      Approx 10 - 20 minutes.

    • Linear Equations
      Easy Intermediate and harder linear equations for the mind.
      Approx. 20-30 minutes

    • Missing Numbers Activity
      Replace the missing numbers from the simple equations. Use the downloaded worksheet for activity and check answers with the missing numbers display.
      Approx. 10-15 minutes

    • Magic Squares.

      The art of Self Discipline

      Magic Squares

      Each vertical, horizontal or diagonal list of numbers must add up to the same magic number.

      4 3 8
      9 5 1
      2 7 6
      Magic Number 15

      Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
      Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Magic Squares
      To be magic all sides must equal the magic number.
      All numbers must be different.
      Approx 30 - 40 minutes

    • Coordinates.

      The art of Self Discipline

      Coordinate plotting

      Understanding how coordinates work.

      Google maps is a good example.
      X is the horizontal axis.
      Y is the vertical axis.
      Do not draw the arrows.
      Use tiny dots on your grid.

      Approx. 50-65 minutes

      Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
      Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Mouse over to view:

      For use after the outline has been finished.
    • DWN: Downloads for Numbers Activity

  • Body Parts.

    The art of Self Discipline

    Health is often a good topic to start a conversation.

    Understanding and knowing the most important body parts is important.

    Once known, conversations about health and fitness are often easy to start.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

    • Book of Body Parts Games
      If you have a good 15 minute game based on body parts please share.
      These are good for finishing off the night.
      Serious first easy last.

    • Body Parts
      After naming parts on the sheets check answers with this drag and drop activity. DWN: WORKSHEET

    • Find-A-Word
      This also shows the answer but is a random new game each time opened. There is also the paper version to have individual or group work at the projector. DWN: WORKSHEET

    • Crossword More Body Parts
      A wider range of words to extend the body parts vocabulary. This could be done of the projector as a class activity. DWN: WORKSHEET.

    • BodyPartsToThai.png
    • DWN: Downloads for Body Parts Activity

    • Worksheet to do before the h5p body parts activity

    • A pdf copy for printing

    • Reinforcing body parts through translation

  • Who Am I

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who Am I

    The face is important to describe.

    Describing a persons face is sometimes important if you are going to meet someone at an airport.

    looking for one face amongst thousands can be difficult.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Who Am I

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who Am I

    The face is important to describe.

    Describing a persons face is sometimes important if you are going to meet someone at an airport.

    looking for one face amongst thousands can be difficult.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Who Am I

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who Am I

    The face is important to describe.

    Describing a persons face is sometimes important if you are going to meet someone at an airport.

    looking for one face amongst thousands can be difficult.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Who Am I

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who Am I

    The face is important to describe.

    Describing a persons face is sometimes important if you are going to meet someone at an airport.

    looking for one face amongst thousands can be difficult.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Who Am I

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who Am I

    The face is important to describe.

    Describing a persons face is sometimes important if you are going to meet someone at an airport.

    looking for one face amongst thousands can be difficult.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Who Am I

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who Am I

    The face is important to describe.

    Describing a persons face is sometimes important if you are going to meet someone at an airport.

    looking for one face amongst thousands can be difficult.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.

  • Who Am I

    The art of Self Discipline

    Who Am I

    The face is important to describe.

    Describing a persons face is sometimes important if you are going to meet someone at an airport.

    looking for one face amongst thousands can be difficult.


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.