Section outline

  • Language of Clothes

    The art of Self Discipline


    Clothes and fashion.

    Draw a picture of your favourite clothes and talk about them in English with your teacher and the person sitting next to you.

    Language of clothes.

    Shirt Shirt T'shirt T shirt Hem Hems Collar Collars Buttons buttons
    Sleeve Sleeves Short sleeves Short sleeves Long Sleeves Long Sleeve Pleat Pleats Shoulders Shoulders
    Neck Roll or turtle neck sweater Belt Belt Long Trousers Trousers Short Trousers Shorts Long Dress Long dress
    Short Dress Short dress Short Socks socks Long Socks Long socks Pockets Pockets Sandals Sandals
    Seam Seams Beret Beret Hat Hats Balaclava Balaclava Scarf Scarves
    Tie Ties Stockings Stockings Polo Top Polo Top Halter Top Halter top Jumper JumperSweater
    Jacket jackets Suit Suits Cuff Cuffs Darts Darts


    Each lesson starts with a recap on the previous.
    Each lesson ends with a focus or recap on what was learnt.